Friday, October 9, 2009

Feeds, Children's Books, and Twitter, Part 2

I've been using Google Reader since...mmm...ever- and it has become a part of my morning routine to check it. So when we were asked to look at Bloglines for class this week , my general first impression was indifference. I do like the ease by which I can subdivide by topic in Blogline and the search features are different as well. I don't think I would continue to use it outside of class, but it's nice to have options and understand the non-Google world just a little better just so I have options if/when Google takes over the world.

I found this site, which helped me to understand some of the usability differences between the two. It also made me feel better about not liking Bloglines, to be honest.

Imported from Reader to Bloglines...some of my children's lit blogs to explore:

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast

American Indians in Children's Literature

Nerdfighters (John Green)


Bonus site (found this from a librarian at my practicum site): makes techie things seem so very much less technical

I saw this on Google News today....I feel a slight sense of shame that I've outlasted Miley Cyrus on Twitter, but indeed Twitter can be used for good, as I'm finding and indeed I might even learn something....

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